If you have been in an automobile accident, you know it can be disorienting, confusing and maybe even a bit scary. Knowing what to do in advance can help you make it through this difficult situation.
Stay Calm
Arguably, the most important thing you need to do is to remain calm. Yelling or shouting at the other driver, frantically trying to call someone or panicking in any way will not help things. If you can tell yourself that you can make it through this and things will be OK, then you’ll handle it all much better than otherwise.
Get Information
There is a lot of information you, the police and the insurance company will need when an accident has occurred. Start with the other driver’s name and contact info, including a phone number. You also need to get the year, model and make of the vehicle. It might be easiest to use your phone to take pictures of the car and its license plate. Taking pictures of the scene of the accident and the other driver’s insurance card can be very helpful.
Contact Insurance
You’ll need to contact your insurance company as soon as you can. They can help you know which collision repair Lakewood CO companies they are willing to work with once you file a claim. The claims adjuster can help you know what kinds of things could be covered, including the cost of repairing your vehicle or the other vehicle. You can also find out whether you and your passengers’ medical bills may be covered.
Get Medical Attention
If you or any of your passengers were hurt, be sure to get medical assistance as soon as you can. Let the doctor know your injuries were from an accident and you want a full physical.
Nobody wants to be in a car accident, but it is best to be prepared. That way, you’ll know what to do and can make the best of it.