Even if you don’t feel mechanically inclined, there are several vehicle maintenance tips that you can undertake in your garage. Small things make a big difference with the longevity of your vehicle, whether you are changing out diesel performance parts or you are simply changing the oil. Keeping a regular schedule with cleaning, tightening, or changing can help you get the most out of your truck or car. Here are some vehicle ownership tips to help you stay on top of maintenance.
Know the Owner’s Manual
Your vehicle will have come with a special book of instructions for maintenance and a tour of the vehicle’s part, but if you have lost it, you can usually find an electronic copy online. This manual will give you an idea of the timeline for checking certain areas on the vehicle and possible signs that maintenance or repair is needed.
Recognize Early Warning Signs
You may be in between maintenance checks, but you hear a funny noise when accelerating or idling. You may also notice that the check engine light has started flashing on your dashboard. These are warning signs that something needs to be addressed. Most auto part stores have a code reader that can be used to determine what signal is coming in. Address these right away. Don’t ever brush off a sound as just a fluke or something temporary. Always investigate.
Keep Up With the Basics
There are several basic elements of vehicle maintenance. Though it is cheaper to DIY these checks, you can also have them done inexpensively by a mechanic or auto shop. Keep up with the oil and filter changes. You can find the type of oil in your owner’s manual, and you may be able to choose synthetic to get more life out of it. Keep your tires rotated, balanced, and at the recommended PSI to reduce the chances of a blowout and to improve your gas mileage.
You don’t have to be an expert with car maintenance, but you should know the basics. Failing to take care of your vehicle can result in breakdowns, accidents, and costly repairs.